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Your Rights and Responsibilities with Police

No one likes talking to police, for any sort of criminal defense or questioning, including DUI. You have responsibilities and rights, regardless of the crime being investigated. It's almost always valuable to get a lawyer on your side.

Police Can't Always Require ID

Many people are unaware that they don't have to answer all an officer's questions, even if they have been pulled over. Even if you are required to show your ID, you usually don't have to say much more about anything like where you've been or whether you drink, in the case of a drunken driving stop. These rights were put into the U.S. Constitution and have been verified by the U.S. Supreme Court. While it's usually wise to be cooperative with officers, it's important to know that you have legal protections in your favor.

Even the best citizens need lawyers. Whether you have driven drunk and broken other laws or haven't, you should be protected. Knowing all therules and understanding the various situations where they apply should be left up to good laywers. Find someone whose main priority it is to keep up on these things if you want to prevail in any crime, even a DUI.

Know When to Talk

It's wise to know your rights, but you should think about the fact that usually the officers aren't out to harm you. Most are decent people, and causing trouble is most likely to trouble you in the end. You shouldn't want to make cops feel like your enemies. This is yet one more reason to get an attorney such as the expert counsel at criminal law provo on your team, especially after being arrested. A good criminal defense lawyer can help you know when to talk.

Cops Can't Always Do Searches Legally

going a step further than refusing to speak, you can deny permission for a cop to search your home or vehicle. However, if you start to blab, leave evidence lying around, or submit to a search, any information gathered could be used against you in future criminal defense proceedings. It's probably smart to say no to searches verbally and then get out of the way.